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In treating osteoporosis, Dr. Abhijit Sen emphasizes early diagnosis and proactive management to prevent fractures and enhance bone health. His treatment regimen includes dietary recommendations, exercise plans, and medications that help strengthen bone density. Patients benefit from his expert guidance on how to reduce the risk of osteoporosis through lifestyle changes and regular screenings, making him a key resource for those at risk or already affected by this bone-weakening disease.

Osteoporosis is a condition where bones become weak and fragile. Commonly this condition is found in older population but if you are suffering from rheumatoid arthritis or taking steroids for a long time, you may develop osteoporosis in early age.

Common manifestations of osteoporosis are-

  • Low backache,
  • Forward-stopped posture,
  • Reduction in height and
  • Fragility fractures like vertebral fractures, fractures near the wrist, hip and shoulder

Prevention is always better than cure. Osteoporosis can be prevented by regular physical exercise and taking calcium-rich diets. Osteoporotic fractures can be avoided by preventing domestic falls by –

  • Maintaining proper illumination of rooms,
  • Regularly cleaning water from slippery floors,
  • Improving the vision of elderly persons
  • Proper treatment of neurological disorders like Parkinsonism

Osteoporosis is a treatable condition. Timely diagnosis and treatment can prevent fragility fractures and physical suffering and financial burdens arising out of that.

So, consult your physician if you have following risk factors-

  • Age > 65 years
  • Post-menopausal women
  • Have history of any fracture following a trivial trauma
  • Taking steroid for long duration

Suffering from rheumatoid arthritis

Make an Appointment with

+9 109-310-8606

if urgent, Your personal case manager will ensure that you receive the best possible care.

Routine Checkups is an important part of health.