Dr. Abhijit Sen is a ligament injury specialist, focusing on the knee, including ACL and PCL injuries. His approach to treatment involves state-of-the-art arthroscopic surgery, which allows for minimal downtime and effective recovery. His expertise helps athletes and active individuals regain strength and stability in their knees, ensuring a return to their pre-injury levels of activity with a tailored rehabilitation program.
Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL): ACL is the most commonly injured knee ligament. It occurs as a result of a twisting injury to the knee. Whenever you sustain such kind of injury, give rest to the knee, apply a knee brace, apply an ice pack and keep the knee elevated. Try to gently mobilize the knee intermittently. If ACL is detached from the bone with a bony chunk, early surgical intervention is required. This can be found only in minor percentage of cases. When ACL is torn at its substance, surgical intervention is deferred until joint swelling subsides and near full range of motion is achieved. If your ACL is injured and you have giving way of your knee, then you must undergo ACL reconstruction.
ACL is reconstructed using tendons from your own body. Arthroscopic reconstruction (keyhole surgery) is now the gold standard. After surgery, you need to go through some rehabilitation protocol. If you are an athlete then you should wait at least 9 months before you resume your sports activity.
Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL): PCL injury is rather uncommon and often missed. It occurs as a result of dashboard injury or fall over ground. Your physician examines you and decides if your PCL injury can be treated non-surgically or if it requires surgical intervention. Most people do not have any symptoms initially. That’s why people neglect these injuries. Later on, it gives rise to early patella-femoral arthritis. So, do not neglect it, if your physician advises PCL reconstruction or avulsion repair, otherwise, you may face grave consequences.