Dr. Abhijit Sen excels in the treatment of fractures, utilizing advanced techniques to ensure optimal healing and restoration of function. His approach combines modern surgical methods with personalized rehabilitation plans, catering specifically to the needs of each patient. As a seasoned orthopaedic surgeon, Dr. Sen’s expertise in managing complex fractures makes him a trusted choice for patients seeking high-quality care and swift recovery, ensuring they return to their daily activities with confidence.

Fracture means breakage of a bone. Fracture may occur following an injury or without an injury also. If your bone is weak due to osteoporosis or bone cyst or any other reason bone may break without any definite injury. If u sustain an injury and have significant amount of pain, seek immediate care from a medical professional or attend the emergency department of any hospital.

What you need to do as a first aid-

  • Try to immobilize the injured part of the limb with any splint like peach board or wooden stick
  • If you apply crepe bandage, do not over-tighten it; otherwise, it may compromise blood circulation
  • Apply an ice pack or cold water (Do not apply heat to alleviate pain, it will increase the swelling and inflammation)
  • If you sustain injury to your spine or lower limb like the hip region, thigh, knee, leg, ankle or foot; try not to walk
  • if there is bleeding from fracture site that means you have got a wound, wash it thoroughly if it is contaminated and keep this area clean, and seek immediate medical help
  • if your old parents or grand-parents had a fall over ground and have pain in groin or spine, keep them in bed rest until you consult your doctor


Arthritis management by Dr. Abhijit Sen focuses on reducing pain and improving joint function through a combination of medical treatments and lifestyle modifications. Specializing in both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, Dr. Sen offers a comprehensive treatment plan that may include medication, physical therapy, and when necessary, surgical options like joint replacement. His personalized care approach helps patients manage their symptoms effectively and maintain an active lifestyle.

Arthritis means inflammation of any joint. It may involve the knee, hip, ankle, shoulder, wrist, small joints of hands and feet or any other joint of the body. There are several causes of this arthritis.

The most common form of arthritis is degenerative arthritis or osteoarthritis, which commonly involves both knees. This is nothing but age-related related wear and tear of cartilage of knee joints.

The second most common is rheumatoid arthritis which usually involves multiple joints, though isolated one or two joints may be involved. Here our own Immune system mistakenly attacks synovial proteins of the joints and other soft tissues.

In ankylosing spondylosis sacroiliac joints, spine, and hip joints are commonly involved. 90-95 patients with ankylosing spondylitis will have the positive genetic marker HLAB27. But if someone is merely HLAB27 positive, it is not necessary that he is suffering from ankylosing spondylitis.

Reactive arthritis is generally self-limiting arthritis where joints become inflamed in response to some viral or bacterial infection in the body.

Treatment of arthritis-

Osteoarthritis or degenerative arthritis: Treatment depends upon the stage you are in. Generally, the initial stages of osteoarthritis can be well managed with medications, exercises and lifestyle modifications like avoiding squatting, avoiding climbing stairs, and avoiding using Indian toilets. Injection of hyaluronic acid into your joint may be an option in the early stage of osteoarthritis.

                Advanced osteoarthritis requires surgical intervention in the form of partial or total joint replacement.

Rheumatoid arthritis: This disease can be kept under control by taking regular medications. Never stop medication on your own without consulting your treating doctor. Proper treatment can prevent joint destruction and the development of deformities. Once joints are destroyed then you don’t have any other choice apart from joint, try to seek timely medical advice.

Ankylosing spondylosis: Medical treatment can prevent joint destruction and fusion if diagnosed early. Once hip joints are damaged, joint replacement is the only option. So, if you are in the third decade of your life and have long-standing low backache or have a family history of ankylosing spondylosis, then do not neglect it and seek orthopaedic consultation.

Reactive arthritis: it’s a self-limiting condition. Medical treatment is sufficient to deal with this condition.


In treating osteoporosis, Dr. Abhijit Sen emphasizes early diagnosis and proactive management to prevent fractures and enhance bone health. His treatment regimen includes dietary recommendations, exercise plans, and medications that help strengthen bone density. Patients benefit from his expert guidance on how to reduce the risk of osteoporosis through lifestyle changes and regular screenings, making him a key resource for those at risk or already affected by this bone-weakening disease.

Osteoporosis is a condition where bones become weak and fragile. Commonly this condition is found in older population but if you are suffering from rheumatoid arthritis or taking steroids for a long time, you may develop osteoporosis in early age.

Common manifestations of osteoporosis are-

  • Low backache,
  • Forward-stopped posture,
  • Reduction in height and
  • Fragility fractures like vertebral fractures, fractures near the wrist, hip and shoulder

Prevention is always better than cure. Osteoporosis can be prevented by regular physical exercise and taking calcium-rich diets. Osteoporotic fractures can be avoided by preventing domestic falls by –

  • Maintaining proper illumination of rooms,
  • Regularly cleaning water from slippery floors,
  • Improving the vision of elderly persons
  • Proper treatment of neurological disorders like Parkinsonism

Osteoporosis is a treatable condition. Timely diagnosis and treatment can prevent fragility fractures and physical suffering and financial burdens arising out of that.

So, consult your physician if you have following risk factors-

  • Age > 65 years
  • Post-menopausal women
  • Have history of any fracture following a trivial trauma
  • Taking steroid for long duration

Suffering from rheumatoid arthritis


Dr. Abhijit Sen is a ligament injury specialist, focusing on the knee, including ACL and PCL injuries. His approach to treatment involves state-of-the-art arthroscopic surgery, which allows for minimal downtime and effective recovery. His expertise helps athletes and active individuals regain strength and stability in their knees, ensuring a return to their pre-injury levels of activity with a tailored rehabilitation program.

Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL): ACL is the most commonly injured knee ligament. It occurs as a result of a twisting injury to the   knee. Whenever you sustain such kind of injury, give rest to the knee, apply a knee brace, apply an ice pack and keep the knee elevated. Try to gently mobilize the knee intermittently. If ACL is detached from the bone with a bony chunk, early surgical intervention is required. This can be found only in minor percentage of cases. When ACL is torn at its substance, surgical intervention is deferred until joint swelling subsides and near full range of motion is achieved. If your ACL is injured and you have giving way of your knee, then you must undergo ACL reconstruction.

                ACL is reconstructed using tendons from your own body. Arthroscopic reconstruction (keyhole surgery) is now the gold standard. After surgery, you need to go through some rehabilitation protocol. If you are an athlete then you should wait at least 9 months before you resume your sports activity.

Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL): PCL injury is rather uncommon and often missed. It occurs as a result of dashboard injury or fall over ground. Your physician examines you and decides if your PCL injury can be treated non-surgically or if it requires surgical intervention. Most people do not have any symptoms initially. That’s why people neglect these injuries. Later on, it gives rise to early patella-femoral arthritis. So, do not neglect it, if your physician advises PCL reconstruction or avulsion repair, otherwise, you may face grave consequences.


Meniscus injuries are expertly handled by Dr. Abhijit Sen, who employs advanced arthroscopic techniques to repair or remove damaged knee cartilage. His patient-centered approach focuses on preserving as much of the natural joint as possible, enhancing recovery times and outcomes. Dr. Sen’s comprehensive treatment plans are designed to restore mobility and alleviate pain, helping patients quickly return to their normal activities.

Menisci are fibrocartilaginous structures inside our knee joint, which act as shock absorbers. If they are torn due to injury, may give rise to knee pain or locking episodes. Depending upon the tear pattern, either they are repaired surgically or torn portion is trimmed. The final decision is taken by the surgeon during surgery, because MRI reports sometimes may be misleading.


For low back pain, Dr. Abhijit Sen offers a range of effective treatments designed to alleviate pain and address its root causes. From manual therapies and medication to advanced interventional techniques, his holistic approach aims to improve patients’ quality of life. His commitment to using evidence-based treatments ensures that each patient receives the most appropriate and effective care for their specific condition.

Low back pain or backache is a common problem experienced by more than 80 per cent of people in their lifetime. Some of the common causes of back pain are-

Acute backache: In young people

  • Muscle strain
  • Bad posture
  • Disc prolapse
  • Slippage of one vertebra over another (spondylolisthesis)     

In old people

  • Osteoporotic vertebral fracture
  • Metastatic cancer
  • Multiple myeloma

Chronic backache:

  • Lumbar spondylosis
  • Bad posture (habitual or occupational)
  • Osteoporosis
  • Ankylosing spondylitis
  • Slippage of one vertebra over another (spondylolisthesis)
  • Tuberculosis
  • Functional pain
  • Referred pain from abdominal cause

Your physician evaluates clinically and if necessary advises some tests and tries to find out the cause of pain. Symptomatic treatment is started initially and when the root cause is identified, the cause is addressed accordingly. Regular physical exercises as advised by your physician depending upon the problem you have and good postural habit is crucial for the relief of backache in quite a major number of patients.


Frozen shoulder is a specialty area for Dr. Abhijit Sen, where he provides interventions ranging from physical therapy to more invasive procedures if needed. His tailored treatment plans aim to restore both motion and comfort, leveraging his expertise in shoulder arthroscopy to treat severe cases. Patients benefit from his innovative techniques and personalized care pathways designed to speed up recovery.

Frozen shoulder is a specialty area for Dr. Abhijit Sen, where he provides interventions ranging from physical therapy to more invasive procedures if needed. His tailored treatment plans aim to restore both motion and comfort, leveraging his expertise in shoulder arthroscopy to treat severe cases. Patients benefit from his innovative techniques and personalized care pathways designed to speed up recovery.

Frozen shoulder means global restriction of shoulder joint movement. It has three stages- the freezing stage where joint movement is painful and restricted, the frozen stage where pain improves but movement restriction persists and the thawing stage where the pain is minimal or absent and movement restriction improves. It is generally a self-limiting condition, but recovery time varies from 2-3 years. Physical therapy is the mainstay of treatment. If pain and restriction of movement hamper day-to-day activity and the condition does not improve with physiotherapy, then steroid injection inside the joint or manipulation under anaesthesia or arthroscopic release of adhesions is performed.


In managing gout, Dr. Abhijit Sen combines medication management with dietary counseling to effectively control flare-ups and reduce uric acid levels. His comprehensive approach not only alleviates pain but also addresses lifestyle factors that contribute to gout, providing patients with long-term solutions and preventive strategies to avoid future attacks.

Gout means arthritis or synovitis due to precipitation of urate crystals in joints or soft tissues respectively. Every joint pain is not gout. Gout mainly involves the joints of the foot and ankle, hand joints, elbow and sometimes knee. Fluctuation in the blood level of uric acid precipitates an acute attack of gout. Many times the blood level of uric acid is normal in acute gout. On the contrary, 5% of the general population has a high uric acid level otherwise do not have symptoms of joint pain. They do not require treatment for gout. Chronic gout leads to joint erosion and joint deformity.

                If you have joint pain, then consult your physician to know the cause of joint pain. If your joint pain is due to gout then your doctor will advise some medicines and you have to avoid certain diets.

Diets to avoid in gout-

  • Organ meats- liver, brain, kidney
  • Red meats- mutton, beef, pork
  • Alcohol especially beer
  • Some seafood like shellfish, canned fish
  • Fructose-containing drinks like fruit juices and sugary sodas
  • Cakes, candy and cookies

Some vegetables like legumes and beans contain high amounts of purine, but researchers say high-purine plant foods do not trigger attacks of gout.